Nursery Autumn Term 1
Date: 27th Oct 2023 @ 8:31am
Well this first half term has gone quickly! The Nursery children have been fantastic and have settled beautifully into their setting. We have been so proud of the bravery they have shown coming in on their own and organising themselves.
We have been learning new routines, rules have been established and it has been a pleasure watching friendships beginning to form and grow.
The children have been developing their gross motor skills outside with lots of climbing, running, rolling and riding bikes.
They have also been developing their fine motor skills through mark making, painting, building using duplo and wooden bricks.
All of this gross and fine motor development will be getting their muscles and their brains ready for writing.
Lunchtimes have been a hit and we have been very impressed as children are starting to try different foods. We have been learning to speak clearly using sentences and remembering to use our manners when talking to each other.
This year’s Nursery are loving singing – you can always hear someone singing a Nursery rhyme somewhere. I have high hopes for our sing-along at Christmas!
We have seen lots of imaginative play both inside and out with campfires being made, pirate ships captured and children rescued. We have also taken advantage of all this wet weather and laughed until our bellies hurt when we’ve shot down the slide in our wetsuits.
We’ve also had many wonderful meals being prepared in the playdough area (and outside in the mud kitchen) and then cooked and served in the home corner.
Nursery, you are already becoming such a fabulous team who look out for each other and work so well together. Mrs Waterworth and I are very proud of you.
Now go and have a wonderful half-term!