Nursery: Blog items

Stegosaurus Class Blog - Spring Term 1

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 12:11pm

This term we have welcomed some new children and we have been so proud with how they have settled, begun to make friends and been welcomed by our old children into our Nursery team.  We have also welcomed our student teacher Miss Kittle who has been a superb asset to Nursery. We shall miss her when she goes at the end of week 2 next term.

Our focus this half term has been Nursery Rhymes and the children have loved singing (with real gusto!) and acting them out over the past few weeks. We've enjoyed Humpty Dumpty, Incy Wincy Spider, Old McDonald had a farm and Once I caught a fish alive. Our favourite so far though has been Miss Polly had a Dolly. This week we have turned our home corner into a doctor's surgery and we have witnessed a very organised doctor’s office with children taking lots of messages and writing notes and also many successful treatments and operations!

In phonics we have been continuing to fine tune our listening skills, orally blend words and learning to clap the syllables in words. We have been practising speaking in sentences and making sure we pause between the words and say them clearly. We have also begun learning our sounds and the children have impressed us so much by remembering them and saying them correctly!! So far, we have learnt, s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o.c and k

In maths we have been continuing our work on amounts and have been working on our counting skills. The children are getting brilliant at remembering to touch an object first and then say its name. A vital skill to have when counting accurately in Reception.

 We have been practising our known facts ready for learning number facts in Reception. Ask us our name, how many hands we have or how many fingers. We don’t think anymore, we just say it! 

We have also been having a great time in Drawing Club. Our favourite so far has definitely been What’s in the Witch’s Kitchen and the children have spent many hours, looking for goblins outside and making their own potions in the mud kitchen.

We all hope you have a wonderful break and we'll see you next term,


Stegosaurus Class Blog - Autumn Term 2

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 9:58am

The children have been very busy learning now they are settled and familiar with the Nursery environment. The children have learnt about different events and celebrations as well as learning about themes related to their own interests. They have learnt about Bonfire night, Antibullying ( our focus was filling our kindness bucket) and of course the last 2 weeks in particular have been focused around that highly anticipated event – Christmas!

In phonics we having been looking at Phase 1 and have spent lots of time learning to listen and join in with different forms of sounds around our environment and also experimenting with instrumental sounds.

In maths we have learning lots of counting songs, recognising and reading numbers in our environment and have been learning how to use flashcards – just ask us how quickly we can say our name!

We have done lots of learning around different stories with Dear zoo, We’re going on a Bear Hunt and Brown Bear coming out as clear favourites.

Despite the weather the children have enjoyed playing outside, jumping in muddy puddles and then using the puddles to paint our hut.

The bikes are still a popular hit and a few children have been setting up a café in the hut. Pizza slices and hot chocolate have been a fabulous snack in this cold weather!

This final week before Christmas has seen us making reindeer food, modelling for our calendars, developing our fine motor skills by punching out those hearts and designing and writing our Christmas cards.  We have also had a great time decorating our very unique Nursery Christmas tree!

We were so proud of all the children in our Nursery sing-along. They were so brave, looked fabulous in their outfits and had worked so hard learning all the songs and actions.  We hope you enjoyed the performance!

Mrs Waterworth and I are so proud of the huge progress the children have made in their confidence and independence this term.

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Stegosaurus Class Blog - Autumn Term 1

Date: 25th Oct 2024 @ 8:53am

Well that first half term went quickly! The Nursery children have been fantastic and have settled beautifully into their setting. We have been so proud of the bravery they have shown coming in on their own and organising themselves.

We have been learning new routines, rules have been established and it has been a pleasure watching friendships beginning to form and grow.

The children have been developing their gross motor skills outside with lots of climbing, running, rolling and riding bikes.

They have also been developing their fine motor skills through mark making, painting, building using duplo and wooden bricks.

All of this gross and fine motor development will be getting their muscles and their brains ready for writing.

Lunchtimes have been a hit and the children have been learning to speak clearly using sentences and remembering their manners when talking to each other.

We have also seen lots of imaginative play both inside and out with dinosaur lands being conquered,  operations taking place in the Westfield Hospital and opening up Nursery’s very own ice cream café serving fabulous food and drinks.

 Nursery, well done on a fantastic first half term. Have a lovely break and we’ll see you after the holiday ready for lots more learning and fun.


End of Year Message from Nursery

Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 2:41pm

We would like to wish everyone a very happy summer holiday - it has been an amazing year in Nursery!

Mrs Shaw, Mrs Waterworth and Miss Roberts

Nursery Summer Term 1

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 9:54am

Well, what a busy half term we have had!

We have focused on Fairy tales and so far have learnt the story of The Three Little Pigs, Golidlocks and The Three Bears and The Gingerbread man.

The children have loved acting out and retelling the stories  have made their own pig houses, designed and built a raft to save the gingerbread man and have explored different materials and amounts at the Three bears house developing their language along the way.

In maths we have been continuing our daily Little Big Maths sessions where we have been counting to 20, learning to read flashcards, recognising numbers to 10 and learning the skills needed to count carefully and accurately.

This term though has really all been about the language of amounts. We have been learning about more, less, hot, cold, tall, narrow, wide, thin and exploring these in relation to our Fairy Tales. We also learnt about ‘just right’ can you guess which fairy tale this came from?

In phonics we have been learning to love sounds and language. We have been singing our Nursery Rhymes and chanting, making sure our tongues and mouths are in the right position when we say words and sounds.

We have been learning about sentences and how they are made up of lots of words that together must make sense.

We have been practising finding syllables, listening for rhyme at the end of words and alliteration at the beginning.

We have also learnt all our initial sounds (s,a,t,p,I,n,m,d,g,o,c,k,e,u,r,b,f,l,j,v,w,x,y,z) and have even started blending those sounds together to read word. Nursery, I am so proud of you!

This term in Drawing Club we have loved doing the Gingerbread man. The last challenge was to imagine what it would be like if the Little Old Woman had made a stinky cheese man instead of a gingerbread man. We really loved that one and the children have been so excited to pick up their pencils and let their imaginations run wild. It has been a joy to watch!

We lost Mr Roberts for a little while to Year 1 but have now found him again and he’s been helping learn how to get ready for sports day in the mornings.

Well done Nursery, you have worked so hard this term and we are so proud of you.

Have a lovely break and see you next term.

Nursery Spring Term 2

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 2:43pm

It feels like we’ve experienced all the seasons this half term although the children continue to play outside in all weathers.

We have continued our focus on Nursery Rhymes this half term and the children have really enjoyed singing and acting them out over the past few weeks.

We've learnt ‘5 Currant Buns’ where we had a shop and a very busy playdough bakery. In week 2 we learnt ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ where we had a bus station and an actual bus. The number 33 to Leeds featured quite frequently too! We learnt ‘London Bridge is Falling Down’ where there were many towers and bridges built and knocked down. We’ve also learnt Hickory Dickory Dock and 5 Little Eggs. The children’s singing is fantastic and I think we can safely say we all know lots of Nursery Rhymes off by heart now! 

In phonics we have been continuing to focus on our listening skills and the children are brilliant at counting the syllables in words. We have also been learning to listen for rhyme at the end of words and have loved playing our rhyming bingo games. We have now learnt the following initial sounds: s a t p I n m d g o c k e u r b h f l j v and w. We have also been working really hard at blending words orally. If we can do this by the end of Nursery we will be ready for Reception!

In maths we have been continuing our work on amounts, counting skills and reading numbers. The children are fantastic at reading and finding numbers all over the classroom now. We have also been working hard at counting out objects, only touching one at a time and lining them up neatly. Our favourite phase at the moment is,”Messy mathematicians make mistakes!”

We have also had the most wonderful time in drawing club where this term we have read, The Hairy toe, Penguin and watched the classic Wacky Races and Trapdoor. We have drawn monsters, castles, vehicles and got excited about writing our own secret codes.

We all hope you have a wonderful Easter break and we'll see you next term! 

Nursery Spring Term 1

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 1:17pm

This term we have welcomed some new children and we have been so proud with how they have settled, begun to make friends and been welcomed by our old children into our Nursery team.  

Our focus this half term has been Nursery Rhymes and the children have loved singing (with real gusto!) and acting them out over the past few weeks. We've enjoyed Humpty Dumpty, Incy Wincy Spider, Old McDonald had a farm and Once I caught a fish alive. Our favourite so far though has been Miss Polly had a Dolly. This week we have turned our home corner into a doctor's surgery and we have witnessed a very organised doctor’s office with children taking lots of messages and writing notes and also many successful treatments and operations!

In phonics we have been continuing to fine tune our listening skills, orally blend words and learning to clap the syllables in words. We have been practising speaking in sentences and making sure we pause between the words and say them clearly. We have also begun learning our sounds and the children have impressed us so much by remembering them and saying them correctly!! So far, we have learnt, s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g, and o.

In maths we have been continuing our work on amounts and have been working on our counting skills. The children are getting brilliant at remembering to touch an object first and then say its name. A vital skill to have when counting accurately in Reception.

 We have been practising our known facts ready for learning number facts in Reception. Ask us our name, how many hands we have or how many fingers. We don’t think anymore, we just say it! 

We have also been having a great time in Drawing Club. This week our focus was the Wacky Races where the children designed their own vehicle and then we actually made it outside!

We all hope you have a wonderful break and we'll see you next term.

Nursery Autumn Term 2

Date: 22nd Dec 2023 @ 8:35am

This half term we have had some extra help in Nursery in the form of our student Miss Simonett. She will be leaving us at Christmas and we wish her well in her next placement.

The children have been very busy learning now they are settled and familiar with the Nursery environment. The children have learnt about different events and celebrations as well as learning about themes related to their own interests. They have learnt about Bonfire night, Antibullying and of course the last 2 weeks in particular have been focused around that highly anticipated event – Christmas!

In phonics we having been looking at Phase 1 and have spent lots of time learning to listen and join in with different forms of sounds around our environment and also experimenting with instrumental sounds.

In maths we have learning lots of counting songs, recognising and reading numbers in our environment and have been learning how to use flashcards – just ask us how quickly we can say our name!

We have done lots of learning around different stories with Dear zoo, We’re going on a Bear Hunt and Brown Bear coming out as clear favourites.

Despite the weather the children have enjoyed playing outside, jumping in muddy puddles and then using the puddles to paint our hut.

The bikes are still a popular hit although some children have added a Christmas twist and have been delivering presents around Nursery and the outside area. Father Christmas will be out of a job at this rate!

This final week before Christmas has seen us making reindeer food, modelling for our calendars, developing our fine motor skills by punching out those hearts and designing and writing our Christmas cards, We have also had a great time decorating our very unique Nursery Christmas tree!

We were so proud of all the children in our Nursery sing-along. They were so brave, looked fabulous in their outfits and had worked so hard learning all the songs and actions.  We hope you enjoyed the performance!

Mrs Waterworth and I are so proud of the huge progress the children have made in their confidence and independence this term.

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Santa Dash - Nursery

Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 11:25am

Nursery Autumn Term 1

Date: 27th Oct 2023 @ 8:31am

Well this first half term has gone quickly! The Nursery children have been fantastic and have settled beautifully into their setting. We have been so proud of the bravery they have shown coming in on their own and organising themselves.

We have been learning new routines, rules have been established and it has been a pleasure watching friendships beginning to form and grow.

The children have been developing their gross motor skills outside with lots of climbing, running, rolling and riding bikes.

They have also been developing their fine motor skills through mark making, painting, building using duplo and wooden bricks.

All of this gross and fine motor development will be getting their muscles and their brains ready for writing.

Lunchtimes have been a hit and we have been very impressed as children are starting to try different foods. We have been learning to speak clearly using sentences and remembering to use our manners when talking to each other.

This year’s Nursery are loving singing – you can always hear someone singing a Nursery rhyme somewhere. I have high hopes for our sing-along at Christmas!

We have seen lots of imaginative play both inside and out with campfires being made, pirate ships captured and children rescued. We have also taken advantage of all this wet weather and laughed until our bellies hurt when we’ve shot down the slide in our wetsuits.

We’ve also had many wonderful meals being prepared in the playdough area (and outside in the mud kitchen) and then cooked and served in the home corner.

Nursery, you are already becoming such a fabulous team who look out for each other and work so well together. Mrs Waterworth and I are very proud of you.

Now go and have a wonderful half-term!