Nursery Summer Term 1

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 9:54am

Well, what a busy half term we have had!

We have focused on Fairy tales and so far have learnt the story of The Three Little Pigs, Golidlocks and The Three Bears and The Gingerbread man.

The children have loved acting out and retelling the stories  have made their own pig houses, designed and built a raft to save the gingerbread man and have explored different materials and amounts at the Three bears house developing their language along the way.

In maths we have been continuing our daily Little Big Maths sessions where we have been counting to 20, learning to read flashcards, recognising numbers to 10 and learning the skills needed to count carefully and accurately.

This term though has really all been about the language of amounts. We have been learning about more, less, hot, cold, tall, narrow, wide, thin and exploring these in relation to our Fairy Tales. We also learnt about ‘just right’ can you guess which fairy tale this came from?

In phonics we have been learning to love sounds and language. We have been singing our Nursery Rhymes and chanting, making sure our tongues and mouths are in the right position when we say words and sounds.

We have been learning about sentences and how they are made up of lots of words that together must make sense.

We have been practising finding syllables, listening for rhyme at the end of words and alliteration at the beginning.

We have also learnt all our initial sounds (s,a,t,p,I,n,m,d,g,o,c,k,e,u,r,b,f,l,j,v,w,x,y,z) and have even started blending those sounds together to read word. Nursery, I am so proud of you!

This term in Drawing Club we have loved doing the Gingerbread man. The last challenge was to imagine what it would be like if the Little Old Woman had made a stinky cheese man instead of a gingerbread man. We really loved that one and the children have been so excited to pick up their pencils and let their imaginations run wild. It has been a joy to watch!

We lost Mr Roberts for a little while to Year 1 but have now found him again and he’s been helping learn how to get ready for sports day in the mornings.

Well done Nursery, you have worked so hard this term and we are so proud of you.

Have a lovely break and see you next term.