Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Nolan

Mrs Nolan

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Whitehead

Mrs Whitehead


Welcome to Year 1

Mrs Whitehead is the Red class teacher and Mrs Nolan teaches the Blue class.  Mrs Shabir, Miss Bruce, Miss Davis and Mr Roberts are Year 1 teaching assistants.  Mrs Gilligan will cover in Year 1 Red on Thursday afternoon and in Year 1 Blue on Monday afternoon.  Ms Lowry will cover in Year 1 Red on Thursday morning.

PE Summer Term 2

PE will be on the following days for Year 1 in the Summer Term :-
Year 1 Red: Tuesday, Friday
Year 1 Blue: Tuesday, Friday
Please could children come to school dressed in their PE kit on their PE day.  PE will be outside when possible so please ensure they wear tracksuit bottoms/ leggings and a long sleeved top if the weather is cooler.